Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hello! I am starting this blog as a way to motivate myself to start working on my art everyday. One thing that has been the hardest for me in life is sticking to things. I have a tendency to runaway from anything when I get scared, bored, frustrated, or when somethings just get plain hard. I have always been good at dreaming though! I have been a daydreamer since I can remember. I can think of creative ideas all day, but that is usually the problem, I have so many ideas that I can overwhelm myself and then I give up on it all. 

I have been working on this part of me for at least ten years now, and I am on my way to getting a better hold on what I love and not give up on it. With that said I have sent my focus into two major areas of interest. I teach and practice yoga for a living, and I make art. 
Over the past four years I have really been focused on my art. It started with photography and spanned into painting which lead me into drawing. After that I went back to college and got a degree in fine art. My bachelors is focused on photography, but in that process we had to take tons of drawing and learn about all different mediums. As I was finishing up my bachelors I started to find myself taking every extra minute I had in the ceramics room trying to learn how to make ceramic art. 

That brings me to present day... I am just starting my master program in fine art and I am really interested in sending my focus in to the 3D world. Now with that said; it does not mean I will not continue my photography work. That work just calls for a different subject matter. My clay work allows me to open my ideas up into another medium that allows my daydreaming mind to run wild!

So... My hope is with this blog I can make myself more accountable to work on my art daily. I have found working on art even when I don't want to still helps me make better art. This blog will help teach me this, and show others who are scattered in mind and workflow that it is possible to achieve anything with practice and persistence!  

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